Hello and this is (YOUR NAME) and welcome to the 3rd of a series of 12 Interviews to answer ALL your questions about "How to Get Well then Stay Well for Life"
Our Special Guest is Wayne Pickering “THE AMBASSADOR for HEALTH” from Daytona Beach, Florida and this week his topic will be "ATTITUDE"
You'll discover:
1. How the right Attitude will Dramatically Increase the Quality of your Life and the Quantity of Disease in your Life
2. Stress management; Laughter and Positive Attitude!
3. That we never have to be sick no matter what age we are.
4. We can either get Older and Better or Old and Bitter
5. Healthy People don't have a Great Attitude because they're Healthy; they're Healthy because they have a Great Attitude.
6. You are the masterpiece of your life through your thoughts
7. What you think about and thank about, you bring about!
8. Adverse thinking probably affects a person's health and shortens life more than any other factor. Our thinking affects the chemistry of the blood for good or bad. The mind and body are one and the same, and both must have good health for us to feel whole and live normal lives. If we are not happy, all the exercise and good eating habits in the world will not make us healthy
Dr. Wayne is an
Author of 10 Health Guides; several C/D ROM's; 8 Books; 22 Audio Learning
Programs; award winning Video Series titled "Is Your Diet A Riot",
32 Special Reports, over 400 Articles on Fitness, Stress & Nutrition, a
weekly e-zine that goes out to over 13,000 opted in subscribers as well as 18
Websites & 10 Health Systems all distributed in 37 countries!
Nutritional Performance Coach, Life Management Consultant & Disease Prevention
International Professional Speaker (Past President of the National Speakers
Association in Florida) who has spoken in five countries and has shown thousands
how to enjoy life totally free of health problems caused by Stress and Poor
Nutrition and lack of Fitness
His prognosis was death at age 30. Now, at 63 years young, Dr. Wayne is an award winning Triathlete and a double nominee for the Healthy American Fitness Leader Award. And if you want to see what he looks like now at 62 go to www.WaynePickering.com.
As a licensed Florida Nutrition Counselor, he improves human performance by
sharing several secrets on "How to Get Well then Stay Well for Life!"
His nutrition programs are approved for continuing education credits by the
Florida and Alabama State Boards of Pharmacy and most recently by the Florida
Board of Dentistry.
His purpose is teaching you how to be the Healthiest Person on the Planet
and not the Wealthiest Person in the Grave with easy steps that focus on Nutrition
and a basic philosophy, "If you want to be tough, you have to eat good
He is the founder of the Daytona Beach based Center for Nutrition & Life
Management, Inc. He's an amazing man with an awesome story. Give him a minute
and he'll give you a lifetime!
His website for this series of interviews is www.BeatingBurnoutSpecial.com
His 800# is 800-325-DIET = 3438
Welcome Dr. Wayne
QUESTION #1 = On the last Interview, we discussed How to Get Well Safely once and for all. Now what we need to do is learn how to Stay Well for Life… And there are 9 Components that will keep us Healthy which is what the next 9 Interviews are all about.
We have in our society not a Managed Health Care System today, but rather a Managed Disease Care System. During this series we are going to learn how to manage our health easily, freely and simply! This way we can live longer and not just last longer. It all boils down to choices we make!
Dr. Wayne, Let's talk about some of these choices
QUESTION #2 = Wayne, where we go to a doctor to get a test for whatever ails us & his prognosis gives you a grim prognosis, how does our Attitude with that prognosis affect our recovery process. You have probably the most important piece of information to share with us about that during this whole interview. SO I encourage the listeners to stop and get your pen and paper out as the answer to this will astound you.
QUESTION #3 = Dr. Wayne, give us some shocking examples of The Power of the Mind and how Attitude can make the difference between life and death.
QUESTION #4 = OK Wayne Let's talk about a Healthy Self Image ad give us something we can all use to get it and most importantly KEEP IT!
QUESTION #5 = Wayne, Aging is a part of living and we found out that we can either get older and better or old and bitter. It's all an attitude. Share with us a couple things people can be thinking about when the inevitable is at hand and we are older and want to do something different in life no matter how old we are and still have a blast while getting away from the Nursing Home syndrome! Give us a couple solutions to kiss our age worries away!
QUESTION #6 = Wayne, you have some tools that you can share with us about getting our thoughts together. How about doing that at this time of the interview for us?
QUESTION #7 = Talk to us about Mental Imagery and how effective that is. And how do we use it to stay well for life.
QUESTION #8 = Give us some examples of what happened to you with your health when you had some life threatening issues in your life and how you used your mind to rise above them all.
QUESTION # 9 = Let's touch base on STRESS Management. You covered it very well in your “Beat Your Stress” 12 1-hour Interview Series, But let's fit it in here and how stress affects our health.
QUESTION #10 = Wayne, give us some things to be thinking about with STRESS and maybe some case history of someone who exemplifies living life dealing with stress. We all know we are only truly Healthy when we are Happy! Since Stress affects our health let's learn some techniques on how to adjust our attitudes where we can be Happy.
QUESTION #11 = Wayne, In your Seminar you do on “The Grass is Greener and this is the other side” you talk a lot about how fortunate we are to be living in freedom, how about touching base on that one for us.
QUESTION #12 = Wayne, Also In your “Beat Your Stress” Interview Series I've heard you say “The Grass is always Greener on the other side of the Fence until you have to Mow the Grass”. I perceive that to mean that no matter who you are, we all have stress. As happy as you generally are and seem to have a great knack for bouncing back all the time, how about sharing some incidents where stress was a factor in your life. This way we can relate to it so if there was someone out there who thinks they are the only ones who have stress will help them overcome some of their “Stress Shock”!
QUESTION #13 = Also in your “Beat Your Stress” interview Series you talked about what people want most in life and I think this will be a good fit here. SO you have something different you'd like to share with is about that you didn't get a chance to cover in that series.
QUESTION #14 = Talk to us about Peace of Mind and keeping stress out of our lives as much as we can as that will kill you as sure as we are speaking together right now.
QUESTION #15 = As we near the end of this interview Wayne, give us Some things to help Sharpen our Attitudes to keep the stress as a minimum when all else goes wrong
QUESTION #16 = When do you get HAPPY is a question I know you like to talk about A LOT so let's finish up with this in mind.
QUESTION #17 = Dr. Wayne, we talked a lot about ATTITUDE; STRESS and Laughter on this Interview. What do you have for our listeners about all that?
Your program has Top Physicians and Several Professional Speakers who have made Brilliant Discoveries & They are now Spilling the Beans and are Willing to Show us how to discover the simple and easy way to have the best Attitude; enjoy plenty of Laughter; with lots of Fun Ways to Keep the fun in the living Starting from Scratch when you thought you couldn't get started.
I know your site www.beatingburnoutspecial.com covers all about that. DO you want to share that with us?
QUESTION #18 = As we near the close of our time together Wayne, Give us a positive affirmation about our health to be thinking about to help keep us on track.
And we are to write it down on a page 20 times each day for 10 days until the next interview and you assure us that miraculous results will become a reality. I love this portion of the interview. What do you have for us this time around?
QUESTION #19 = Any final comments as we end this interview
Thank You Dr. Wayne
Dr. Wayne's Website is www.BeatingBurnoutSpecial.com and
His 800# is 800-325-DIET = 3438
Interview Titles Interview Titles How to Get Well
©Copyright 1997 - 2010 Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED