Hello and this is (YOUR NAME) and welcome to the 4th of a series of 12 Interviews to answer ALL your questions about "How to Get Well then Stay Well for Life"
Our Special Guest is Wayne Pickering “THE AMBASSADOR for HEALTH” from Daytona Beach, Florida and this week his topic will be "NUTRITION"
You'll discover:
1. How Nutrition can Free You of Stress and Disease.
2. How to enhance your immune system to reduce heart disease & cancer.
3. How to enjoy the healthiest FAST FOOD while you eliminate the mass confusion
about what's for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner forever, savoring hassle-free
eating as it should be! When you feel good, you do good!
4. The best definition of nutrition in a nutshell?
5. The Real Truth about Micro Waving
6. Does Nutrition HEAL?
7. What exactly is GOOD Nutrition?
8. All about SUPPLEMENTS
9. What makes this information so much better than all the rest of what's being
sold on the market today?
Dr. Wayne is an
Author of 10 Health Guides; several C/D ROM's; 8 Books; 22 Audio Learning
Programs; award winning Video Series titled "Is Your Diet A Riot",
32 Special Reports, over 400 Articles on Fitness, Stress & Nutrition, a
weekly e-zine that goes out to over 13,000 opted in subscribers as well as 18
Websites & 10 Health Systems all distributed in 37 countries!
Nutritional Performance Coach, Life Management Consultant & Disease Prevention
International Professional Speaker (Past President of the National Speakers
Association in Florida) who has spoken in five countries and has shown thousands
how to enjoy life totally free of health problems caused by Stress and Poor
Nutrition and lack of Fitness
His prognosis was death at age 30. Now, at 63 years young, Dr. Wayne is an award winning Triathlete and a double nominee for the Healthy American Fitness Leader Award. And if you want to see what he looks like now at 62 go to www.WaynePickering.com.
As a licensed Florida Nutrition Counselor, he improves human performance by
sharing several secrets on "How to Get Well then Stay Well for Life!"
His nutrition programs are approved for continuing education credits by the
Florida and Alabama State Boards of Pharmacy and most recently by the Florida
Board of Dentistry.
His purpose is teaching you how to be the Healthiest Person on the Planet
and not the Wealthiest Person in the Grave with easy steps that focus on Nutrition
and a basic philosophy, "If you want to be tough, you have to eat good
He is the founder of the Daytona Beach based Center for Nutrition & Life
Management, Inc. He's an amazing man with an awesome story. Give him a minute
and he'll give you a lifetime!
His website for this series of interviews is www.DefeatingBadEating.com
His 800# is 800-325-DIET = 3438
Welcome Dr. Wayne
Show #4
QUESTION #1 = Dr. Wayne, we spoke about Attitude on our last interview and we've interviewed you on your “Beat Your Stress” Interview Series and you really went into a lot of detail when it came to sound nutrition on 3 of your interviews in that Interview Series,
You have your DVD Series on The SCIENCE OF NUTRITION which can be found on one of your 19 websites and the web address is www.IsYourDietARiot.com
then you have your CD Series which can be found on your www.DefeatingBadEatingAudio.com and
then all your Charts and CD Rom along with many other Nutrition tools that can be found on www.DefeatingBadEating.com and each of these sites are completely different. One of the sites is the Audio CD and the other site is the charts and all the recipes and a whole lot more.
So I'm very excited to hear what you are going to share with us in this interview. I mean, is there no end to all there is to really know about NUTRITION?
You have a heap of completely different nutrition information for us in this interview and I know you are going to be talking about
- The ACID/ALKALINE Balance and
- What We Can Expect When We Change Our Diets for the Better all on this interview and a lot more so we can use this information to help us all Stay Well For Life!
Talk to us … What Exactly Is Good Nutrition
QUESTION #2 = OK then, what kind of food should we be eating to help us keep our Immune System up and to help us Stay Well for Life now that we know the best definition of Nutrition?
QUESTION #3 = OK, Wayne, I'll bite, give it to us. Just a real quick note, what are those 3 NATURAL LAXATIVES.
QUESTION #4 = OK Wayne help us to really understand more about the Vitamin culture if we could really call it that. Where do VITAMINS fit in the healthy lifestyle?
QUESTION #5 = You mentioned that we should be aware of the different colors of food and refuse the Color that added to our food source. Help us to understand a little bit more about that as that is something we don't hear that much about.
QUESTION #6 = OK Wayne Let's get into the micro waving topic a little bit here. Just about every family in this North America has one and swears by them but I know you have some very startling facts about them. And own up to us Wayne, do you have a Micro Wave. And are there any positive benefits to them? And why don't you include some ways to prepare food that would be the best for us? And I'm not asking that you give us some recipes as I know you have several hundred of them on your www.DefeatingBadEating.com website
QUESTION #7 = OK Wayne Let's talk a bit now about FOOD IRRADIATION How does it work and why is really that bad for us making it such a detriment to Staying Well for Life?
QUESTION #8 = OK Wayne how do we READ LABELS and know what it is we need to know about all these Hydrolyzed Proteins, Aspartame, Natural Flavorings, and all that stuff that is so mind boggling. How can we make it all simple to understand as I know a lot of people would love to know about that and maybe it will motivate them to avoid those ingredients a lot more. Help us out here.
QUESTION # 9 = Dr. Wayne “Fructose is everywhere!” and we need to know the truth about it and we were schooled for years that since it is a fruit derivative, then it is supposed to be good for us. But actually that's not true and it quite a detriment to our health. Talk to us a bit about that so we can get a grip on that subject knowing how crucial it is to stay away from it if we truly want to Stay Well for Life!
QUESTION #10 = Wayne talk to us about some of the foods we should be eating and are probably not eating and why they are soooo important to our daily nutrition plan.
QUESTION #11 = Dr. Wayne How do we get our kids to start eating more fruits and vegetables? This is a major concern for parents today.
QUESTION #12 = Dr. Wayne this all really sounds like you know what you are saying with all this and I am ready to go out and shop smarter. But I am jazzed about it right now but what do I do when I'm in the store shopping all by myself. Give me some tips on how to shop smart when I'm in this maize of stuff to buy and worst of all I'm usually hungry when I shop so I get most anything that appeals to me at the time. Help us here to shop smarter.
QUESTION #13 = Dr. Wayne the new buzz word in the Nutrition field today is GLYCEMIC INDEX. What's all the hype there and is there really any validity to it in your professional opinion.
QUESTION #14 = Dr. Wayne What about Hemp Hearts that you wrote about in one of your most recent weekly columns. You gave us a recipe but they're not available in this country and yet you recognize how great they are for good health.
QUESTION #15 = Dr. Wayne Are there any major concerns or issues we need to be aware of when we change our diets for the better? And how about mentioning something about FOOD COMBINING since this is your forte?
QUESTION #16 = Dr. Wayne What about being a vegetarian? Is it really healthier and if we just don't opt to do it what are the ramifications?
QUESTION #17 = Dr. Wayne I know you regard the Acid Alkaline Balance as something we all MUST be aware of when we eat as it's so fundamental to life in and of itself. Touch base on it for us as I know we are running down on our time together.
QUESTION #18 = Wayne do you have any thoughts on SPROUTS as part of someone's dietary habits. There are several views on that subject. DO you have any comments on that subject before we close.
QUESTION #19 = Wayne, Talk briefly about Seasonal Foods and why should we be concerned about that. How can this be so important to our Staying Well for Life?
QUESTION #20 = Dr. Wayne, we talked a lot about Nutrition on this Interview. What do you have for our listeners about all that?
- Your program has all the Acid/Alkaline Balance.
- FOOD COMBINING and loads of recipes and loads of other great nutritional information.
I know your site www.DefeatingBadEating.com covers all about that. DO you want to share that with us and do you have something special for our listeners?
QUESTION #21 = As we near the close of our time together Wayne, Give us a positive affirmation about our health to be thinking about to help keep us on track.
And we are to write it down on a page 20 times each day for 10 days until the next interview and you assure us that miraculous results will become a reality. I love this portion of the interview. What do you have for us this time around?
QUESTION #22 = Any final comments as we end this interview
After my closing comments, PLEASE PLUG this for the next interview:
On our next Interview we're going to talk about EXERCISE and how important that is to Stay Well for Life.
1) We are going to be Talking about the King of Fitness that almost everyone can do for their wellness lifestyle
2) Discover what the mother can do each day or the business man who is tied up in meetings most of the day or the person who is on the road a lot i.e. sales person, speaker, etc. can do to promote happiness in their life as they lose weight while building lean muscle mass and reversing the ravages of aging all at once.
Also Learn how to
1) Get plenty of oxygen to the tissue to Improve your health and emotional well-being
2) Stay motivated with your exercise/fitness program
3) How to Gain Ground Against Cancer through Fitness
4) The 5 best moves to perform before any workout
5) The 5 biggest lies about fitness
6) The biggest benefits of your fitness program
7) The best places to exercise
8) What to wear during your fitness program
9) Wayne's 10-minute fitness program
10) Keep your blood free flowing to have a Dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety while dramatically increases your god given right of staying well for life.
Don't Miss It!
Thank You Dr. Wayne
Dr. Wayne's Website is www.DefeatingBadEating.com and
His 800# is 800-325-DIET = 3438
Interview Titles Interview Titles How to Get Well
©Copyright 1997 - 2010 Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED