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Testimonials: Nutritional Counseling
Here is a great win from just one of the many people whom Dr. Wayne has helped with Nutritional Counseling
Dear Wayne:

This letter is long overdue. I have known you now for one year, one significant year! Initially when we met, I was trying to "adapt to my environment", and unfortunately not making much progress. Allergic reactions were giving me severe sinus headaches, difficult respiration and promoting a state of irritability and depression. Chiropractic care had helped some; medical allergy treatment ... somewhat, neither dramatic.

Wayne, I came looking to you for an answer. I had tried everything else.It didn't take me long to realize that you knew your material; nutrition has been the key.

I have been on your personalized "Perfect Diet" for one year. The two year constant sinus and respiratory problems began to clear up in about three months, and is now not a problem! Health is mine once again, physically and emotionally. I feel in great shape!

Wayne, your diet and exercise program has done the job. I have regained my strength and confidence to accept the challenge of establishing my own office.

Thanks Wayne, a thousand times

Very truly yours,




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