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"Fund Raiser"

Make the Most Impact and Money as you plan for your next Fund Raiser by using our proven formula!

I am very much looking forward to our working together in a spirit of harmony with this Fundraiser.

We will have a 1 and ½ Day Live Event titled “How to Get Well then Stay Well for Life!” and the site of what we will cover in those Six 90-Minute Sessions can be accessed when you scroll down to the bottom of this page!

There will be a Pre-Registration Fee where we will “Split The Gate” (50% + 50%) with the proceeds going to you (The Host) or your favorite Charitable Organization.


Assuming that a total of $20,000.00 (which is only 100 Paid Participants) is collected for the seminar, $10,000.00 will go to you and $10,000.00 will go to The Center for Nutrition/Wayne Pickering

Here is what each of our responsibilities will be:

The Center for Nutrition will be responsible to pay for Dr. Wayne Pickering's expenses of Travel, Food, Lodging and Car Rental and the Program Itself which includes all the Door Prizes and the Special Gifts that the Participants will receive at the door as part of their Registration Fee

You (The Host) will be responsible for the expenses of the Seminar Room Rental, Program Handouts, Audio Visual Requirements, Promotional Costs, Workbooks and Refreshments with the proceeds going to you or your favorite charitable organization. If we donate the proceeds to your favorite charitable organization then you will require (if you so desire) a Fee for your efforts for making this Fundraiser a success!

We have found that charitable organizations enthusiastically send out advertisements to those on their mailing lists – no cost to you, if they know they'll be compensated for mailing the promotional materials to their email database.

The Benefits to you (The Host) of this Fundraiser are many and here are just a few of them for you:

  1. It creates a huge awareness in the community about your business (Free Advertisement) as you will be on the front page of the local newspaper giving a check to the President of this Charitable Organization.
  2. You will make money as a result of this as you will require a fee of the 50% that goes to you (The Host) before you give the remainder (Proceeds) to this Charitable Organization.
  3. You become an instant Hero in the community.

In addition to this, we will need for you to supply someone to oversee the Back of the Room Autograph (Sales) Table for the Paid Participants to purchase any of our Publications whereupon we will donate an additional 10% of the Sales back to your Charitable Organization!

One other real benefit is that the entire seminar is recorded on either or both DVD and Audio. Then we can go into the filming crew's editing bay and create a master copy of everything to duplicate and sell throughout your entire organization with 50% of the proceeds going to your Charitable Organization.

The Center for Nutrition/Wayne Pickering and You, (The Host of this “LIVE EVENT”) will own the rights to the Master and all the Raw Footage including the Testimonies that was created as a result of this Fundraiser.

Here's what needs to be recorded/taped of the presentation:


These are the questions for the Testimonials:

  • "What did you like most about Wayne Pickering's Presentation?":
    (Be sure to have the person repeat the question in their answer)
  • "Would you recommend Wayne Pickering to your business associates?"
  • "Give 3 words that best describe Wayne as a speaker!"
  • "May we quote you?"

Questions and Answers

Question: Who are the prospects for purchasing a Registration Fee?
Answer: Your Co-Workers, Secretaries, Family Members, Church Members, Hairdresser, Dentist, any Professional you see on a regular basis or who had expressed an interest in his/her health PLUS The Organization's Mailing List who we will be donating the proceeds to. And you can e-mail to your list and I will be doing the same as well.
Question: Who are the institutions you might target for group purchases?
Answer: Financial Institutions, Industry & Corporate Customers, Professional Associations such as Board of Realtors, etc. It's a good idea to offer 20% discount to the Paid Participants for each “paid in full” guest they bring!
Question: What kind of facilities must be provided for the seminar?
Answer: Any comfortable meeting room is acceptable. Just make sure the room is large enough to accommodate the Stage Setting, Audio Video Crew you will be hiring and the Seating Arrangement as indicated in Wayne Pickering's Room Set-Up Sheet!
Question: How much advanced time is needed to promote the seminar?
Answer: Our experience indicates that 60-90 days is more than adequate. This allows time for securing a meeting room, advertising and promoting the seminar and selling the advanced registrations.
Question: What do the seminar attendees receive for their investment?
  1. All Six 90-Minute “Live Events” valued at $1297.00 PLUS
  2. 2 Bonus Sessions valued at $450.00 PLUS
  3. People who Register Early will also receive all the CD's of the Live Event valued at $379.00 PLUS
  4. The following Special Gifts at the door for each Paid Participant

    1. A Seminar Workbook compiled by The Center for Nutrition's Staff and produced by you, The Host valued @ $24.95!
    2. Refreshments (The Host's Responsibility)
    3. Door Prizes (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)
    4. The opportunity to interact with one another (Networking)
    5. SPECIAL GIFTS including Twelve Full Months of Tele-seminars which is a series of seminars over the phone and everyone on there will be from all over the world.  You will be sitting in the comfort of your home or your office.  And when you register for the Tele-seminar, you will receive a bridge line number that you will call and will connect you to the Tele-seminar! The normal cost is $20.00 for each Tele-seminar hour and the cost of your long distance call.  But with this yearly pass, you only pay for your long distance call valued @ $240.00 (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)
    6. Free Admission to all our Seminars (not including the Boot Camps and Fundraisers) for 12 full months as Dr. Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering's guest anywhere in North America.  You will receive a SEMINAR PASS valued @ $495.00 (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)
    7. 8 Week Audio Mini Course on how to Beat Stress with Fitness and Food valued @ $97.00 (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)
    8. Our weekly "Fast, Easy Healthy Recipes; Articles; Fitness Tips; Stress Management; Sleep Secrets & Guides to LIVING BETTER" Newsletter valued @ $52.00 (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)
    9. 2 Special Reports (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)

      1. The "SAD Truth about High Protein Diets" Special Report valued @ $37.00
      2. The "3 Foods to Avoid + 3 Commandments of Eating" Special Report valued @ $37.00

    10. a 10-part Video Series on EATING valued @ $97.00 This Video Series will definitely change the way you think about what you eat without a shadow of doubt and WILL have you on the edge of your seat. (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)
    11. E-book titled, "The Secret Assassins in Food - The Ninjas of Taste" valued @ $37.00 (The Center for Nutrition's Responsibility)

The TOTAL Value of these Special Gifts for each Paid Participant is $1116.95

The Total Value of all this is $3242.95 We normally charge $1297.00 for this “Live Event” but we will be Audio Taping and Video Taping for DVD's to make it a part of Dr. Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering's Infomercial, and since we will be inconveniencing the audience by getting them to change their seats during the breaks for a different setting to enhance the DVD Recording, we will be only charging $197.00 (Spouses will enjoy a 50% discount).

Over and above all this, we will provide an experience that will ignite a spark, which will improve some aspect of their lives. As past participants have indicated, when we accomplished this, the seminar fee was incidental!

Each Participant must sign a No-Fee Television Appearance Release Form.

In Addition, Professional Business Attire is Required. Each day will run about 90-minutes overtime as this will accommodate the breaks needed for lighting and television camera adjustments as well as video taping participant's testimonies.

  1. We will need to do some radio interviews real soon so the people can get very familiar with who I am and what we will be bringing to the table
  2. Then we can start doing some TV whenever you want to. And that would be great to promote the Fundraiser.

If you need anything more please let me know so we can make this happen quickly for you. Expect Excellence knowing that Excellence is No Accident.

Dr. Wayne “TMM”

PS Once again, what we will cover in those Six 90-Minute Sessions can be accessed when you click here


©Copyright 1997 - 2010  Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc.